

"You're leaking," my mother-in-law sneered at me, looking between my legs. 

I followed her gaze, saw the wet spot on the front of my panties. "I...I'm sorry," I blurted out, knowing this would be a clear violation of her high standards.

"That's another month," she said without pity.

"Another month," I gasped, "please,'s been six months already."

"Two months," she said. "Another word it will be the rest of the year."

I swallowed, cursed my situation, cursed her rules. She knew as well as I did that the longer I was caged, the longer I was denied any relief, the more aroused I became, to the point I was effectually perpetually aroused, perpetually leaking. "Of course, Ma'am," I said, eyes down.

"I don't have you soiling one of your uniforms, the panties are bad enough, change into clean panties before you finish dressing but before you do, put a condom over the tip of the cage. If you're going to leak, at least we'll keep your panties clean."

"Yes, Ma'am," I said. 

She looked at me, shook her head. "Go on, you have something to say?"


"Go on, sissy, I'm giving you permission to speak."

"I...respectfully Ma'am, the...the longer I'm caged the...the more I leak," I blurted out.

"You feel it unfair?"

I knew she gave me permission to speak my mind but also knew some things said couldn't be taken back. "I..."

"Do you feel it unfair?"

I swallowed. "S...some," I said.

She smiled her unique smile, part warm, part cruel. "I'll acknowledge it may seem unfair," she said, "but this is really a sissy's natural state-caged, aroused, desperate. There's still hope for release, however small, but still hope. Are you sore?" she asked.

I nodded. "Very," I said.

"Behave during the party and perhaps I'll milk you later." I tried to keep my face impassive, was sure I'd failed. A milking would help the soreness but would do nothing to address my arousal; if anything the frustration and humiliation would only increased it. "Oh, the long were so eager last time."

I thought back to the last time, how she milked me while I was bent over, tied down; how she collected every drop in a small dish, rubbed a realistic dildo into the mess, watched as I licked every drop clean. 

"Sonja will watch this time, of course. I think it time my daughter see your true nature."


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