"Well, Mrs. Martin," the therapist told my wife, the test results pulled up on her screen, "we have the results and I have good news and, well, unexpected news."
"Let's start with the good news," my wife said, squeezing my hand.
"Okay. The good news is that he has no latent medical issues. In the clinic, during the test your husband had multiple episodes of arousal including at least...let's see...five episodes of swelling, which signals sexual interest and ability, and, what was it...three full erections."
"So there's nothing physically wrong?" my wife asked? "He can perform in the bedroom."
The therapist smiled. "That's the unexpected news. You see, you're correct, physically he can perform. While he's on the small side, and lacks stamina, which impact your ability to achieve orgasm from his efforts, from a pure physiological perspective, his parts work. I mean, lack of length, girth, and stamina notwithstanding, all the pieces work as intended."
"I don't understand," my wife said.
"Sorry," said the therapist. "Good news is physically, everything checks out. We can't correct for size or stamina, but the plumbing all works."
"Then why is he having trouble with arousal?" she asked, looking at me. "I mean, it isn't something I'm doing, is it? I stay in shape, I dress in pretty lingerie."
"No, it's not that, nothing physical from him or effort from you. Again, that all checks out."
"What is it then?" I asked.
"Well, as you know, the test, penile plethysmograph, uses a phallometric to measure blood flow to the penis to determine arousal to various sexual stimuli. And, well..."
"You said he achieved an erection," my wife said.
"He did," the therapist said. "It's just...there was a strong correlation to particular stimuli. You see, the test involves a series of images...women in various lingerie, two women in various lingerie, two women making love, and couples making love."
"I don't understand," my wife said.
"Of course. You see, there was obvious arousal when there was a couple and it was particularly strong when there were images of a woman performing oral sex on a man."
"That...that seems normal," my wife said.
"It would be if there was corresponding arousal with images of just a woman or two women making love. That's fairly typical for men, especially responding to images of women making love. Men are visual."
"Your husband's strongest, really his sole arousal, was to images of women performing oral sex."
"Men like that, don't they?"
"Of course. Most men imagine a woman performing oral sex on them so respond that way. But we splice out the images to do some further testing, for example, twenty seconds of just a man with a thick, hard cock, then a second or two of a woman taking it. These are interspersed with normal images as a control."
"You've lost me," my wife said, "can he get aroused or not."
I shifted uncomfortably as I understood what she was driving at.
"He can, easily, there was just...let me confirm, a 97% confidence correlation between his arousal and images of cock or images of a woman taking and starting to suck a cock."
"I thought that was normal?"
"Arousal to oral sex combined with increased arousal to lesbian sex indicates normal heterosexual response. You husband, well, he responds not to thoughts of a woman performing oral sex, but the male sexual organ itself with almost a strong a correlation to thoughts of a blowjob."
"Men fantasize about blowjobs," my wife said.
"Receiving them," the therapist clarified, "not giving them."
"Oh, god," my wife said, "are you saying he's...are you..."
"Gay?" The therapist held up her hand. "I'm not saying that, not at all. That's too loaded a word. What I'm saying is that he has trouble with arousal with women. Sometimes that's a sign of homosexuality, other times it's just a sign of lack of confidence with women. Here, it's likely a combination of the two."
"He fantasizes about sucking cock?" my wife asked.
"The test doesn't measure fantasies, just arousal," the therapist said. "I can speculate, which would be yes, but I don't have data; that's something that would require a real world trial."
"A real world trial?" she asked.
"We'd do it here at the office, have a man join you. A particular type, strong, athletic, large. Most men want nothing to do with such a situation so there is no response. But if we're correct, well, how do you feel about helping him give his first blowjob."
My wife looked at me, I knew she was waiting for me to explode. But I just sat there, eyes down.
"My god," she said, looking at my pants, seeing the obvious erection.
"You'd be surprised at the intimacy it brings a couple," the therapist said.
"We have an opening tomorrow evening," she said.
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