Our Connection

Made a couple of edits:

We were in bed, our first few minutes alone. Emily got home just as B and I were finishing dinner and spent that time with B. Now was time for us.

We were in bed, both pretty. Not sexy (like that kind of sexy) but pretty, soft, and feminine. She had reached over and was touching me. One hand was on my budding breast rubbing my nipple through the satin of my camisole; the other was touching me through my satin tap panties. I couldn’t feel her through the cage but I could feel her finger rubbing me below it, circling my perineum, rubbing it like I rubbed her clit.

“I’m teasing, aren’t I?” she asked me.

“Yes,” I moaned softly, the cage tighter than usual. 

“Is it more a tease when he’s still in charge of the key?”

I nodded. “You rarely use it but there’s always a chance,” I said.

“Not tonight, though.”

“No,” I said, “not tonight.”

“I’m sure he prefers it this way. I mean, I know he prefers it this way. Always locked. But always locked means always feminine.”

“I know,” I said, eyes closed. 

“I think you prefer it this way, too,” she said.

“Part of me,” I said.

“Most of you.” A statement and a question.

“Most of me,” I agreed.

“The girl part of you.”

“As you said, most of me.”

“Hmmm,” she hummed, cuddling closer. “Just like this for awhile longer.”

“Locked?” I asked.

She nodded. “Yea, but locked by him. Then it’s mine again.”

I looked at her, saw the smile on her face. “You’re not going to unlock it either, are you?” I asked.

“You’re reading my mind? I don’t plan to.”

“Do you regret it? Last time you did?”

“Not at all,” she said, “not at all. I just think…I don’t know…that shouldn’t be an expectation. Like it was something I wanted to do but…”

“But this is better.”

“Yea,” she nodded. “No confusion this way. No lingering boy thoughts. Just…just this.”

“Teased,” I said.

“Teased. It keeps you…on edge…devoted. I like you devoted.”


“Devoted to me,” she said.

We were quiet for a few minutes, just her hand moving slowly. “I’m lucky,” she said. “To have you.”

“And him?”

“And him,” she said, confirming that I knew what she was thinking. “I’m lucky you let me have that.”

“A man or him?”

“Both,” she said. “But him. I mean him. Evan specifically. I like having a man, I love having him.”


“Not him, having him,” she said. “I told you, I care about him, I have feelings for him, I won’t lie about it. But I don’t love him like I love you and us.”

“That…that sounds like there’s some kind of love,” I said.

“Feelings, Sara, I have feelings. But it’s not this. Is it harder with him? Letting me go to him?”

“Some,” I said, “feelings are different. But then, in a way, he’s, I don’t know, safer, too.”

“He knows where things stand,” she said.

“I like…I mean…this part of me…I like that he’s…well, the man in your life,” I said.

“I do, too.”


“I know, I love you, too.”


“I know, love, I know.” She giggled.


"You're leaking," she said.

"Sorry," I apologized.

"It's fine, love, it's fine. I like making you wet...it's so girly."

"You're a tease," I said.

"That's how I keep you mine," she said. She touched the tip of my cage, brought her hand towards us; there was a drop on her finger. I swallowed, wanted to deny what I wanted, couldn't. She moved her finger to my lips, rubbed the drop on them, kissed me. "Mine," she said. "You're mine."


  1. Thx for sharing, I just always wonder if this new status quo will ever change, and how.

  2. such a lovely blog Sara - exactly as it should be.
    Work trips, with Evan there after work, seem to work well - at least for Emily.
    I get impression that after initial excitement of seeing him (and the sex of course), Emily is very happy to return home to you and B.
    Overall Evan only gets Emily for maybe a week all year, and some of that only evenings. I'm surprised thats enough for him. I'm not sure Emily would want too much more.
    Love always
    Tanya xx

  3. Oh what wonderful writing. You really evoke the scene so well. I can almost imagine myself in your place and I'd certainly love to be in your place.


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