
Elanore, my wife’s big sister, was sitting on the edge of the bed in the master bedroom my wife and I shared, checking her phone. “Amanda just texted,” she said, “their plane landed in Cancun about an hour ago and they just got through and are on their way to the resort.”

I said nothing, just pouted. It was bad enough my wife was going on vacation for an entire week with her boyfriend, but I at least assumed I’d have the house to myself. But was only an hour before she left for the airport that Elanore walked into the house pulling a suitcase.


“El…Elanore,” I stammered, “what…what are you doing here?”

“Staying with you for the week, apparently,” she said with a disgusted look on her face.

“What?” I gasped.

“Amanda called the other day; I guess she doesn’t trust you alone for the week while she’s in Mexico with Mark.”

My eyes went wide. She knew? She knew about Mark? How? “M…Mark?” I stammered.

“What about Mark? Oh, hey big sis,” I heard my wife’s voice behind me.”

“Hey there yourself,” Elanore said. “Must be nice to be jetting off to Mexico with your hot boyfriend.”

I turned and stared at my wife, mouth open.

“What?” Amanda said with a shrug.

“She…she knows?”

“Of course she knows; she’s my big sister, like I’m keeping that from her. She knows everything.”

I swallowed. “Every…everything?”

Elanore chuckled. “I hear you’re in a smaller cage now and there’s been a change in, well, undergarments?”

“Amanda,” I whispered to my wife, “you…you didn’t.” My god, did she really tell her everything?”

“A week’s too long to leave you alone,” Amanda said. “And Elanore offered to come sit for the week.”

“S…sit?” I asked, turning to look at my sister-in-law. “Like…like a sitter?”

“Think of me more like a governess,” Elanore said. “Making sure you behave while Amanda’s gone.”

“God knows I don’t want to spend the week worrying what you’re getting into,” Amanda said, “it will be much more relaxing for Mark and me if I know someone responsible is here in charge. Now, where is that list…oh yes, here it is.” She handed a list to Elanore. “I put together some house rules. Like bedtime and chores and expectations. I’m sure he’ll ask for things he’s not supposed to do; these are the basic rules. Anything not addressed you decide.”

“House rules?” Elanore smiled.

“Starting with underwear. Like we discussed, he’s no longer permitted to wear any boy things; he’s got a dresser in the closet with his new things. He’s been reluctant to wear anything too pretty, but feel free to pick anything out.”

“Oh, we’ll certainly work on that,” Elanore said. “Seems like prime Governess territory.” 

“I assumed you would,” Amanda said, giving me a sly smile. “I expect a week with Elanore will end any complaints about how feminine your undergarments are. Now, about his cage. I was planning on leaving the keys…”

“No,” Elanore said.

“No?” Amanda said. “He’s just getting used to the size.”

“No,” Elanore repeated. “You know my thoughts on the topic; if you’re going to do it, you do it, especially once you’ve begun feminization. Unlocking only confuses a boy. Besides, I want to make it absolutely clear he’ll be locked for the duration.”


“So,” Elanore said looking up from her phone. “I guess we may as well get started.”

“S…started?” I gulped.

“Started,” she said, standing, deftly stepping out of her dress.

“What…what are you doing?” I gasped, staring at her in her lingerie.

“Training you,” she said. “I’ve only got a week, we need to get the most out of it.”

I felt my penis immediately swell in the cage. “El…Elanore,” I moaned.

“Governess,” she corrected me. “Let’s start with proper titles. I’m your governess, Amanda is your mistress. I expect the proper use of titles, are we clear?”

“Y…yes,” I said. She looked at me with a stern look. “Yes, Governess,” I corrected.


  1. BOOK PLEASE! This would be the winner of all winners!

  2. I desperately hope there's a part 2!!!

    1. Soo, should we do a petetion?
      Because I want also more of this!


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